Psychological Mental Health Risk Assessment
Psychological Mental Health Risk Assessment (PMHRA) is a tool developed to assess mental stress levels in several key areas. It is an online survey (questionnaire), and it takes less than 15 minutes to complete. You will receive the assessment results within one week, and they will provide you with an overview of the candidate/employee current state of mental health and mental stress levels. PMHRA is available in three languages: English, German and French.
Risk assessment at work has become increasingly important. Employers are now legally obliged to carry out work-related risk assessments of various job positions for their employees. Failure to do so may expose them to legal claims by employees if these suffer work-related health impairment of any kind.
PMHRA assessments will help employers to discover risks related to both the job position and the task related mental health requirements. We will help you to decrease those risks and the risk of work-related accidents as well as/or sick-leave.
PMHRA Benefits
- Knowledge about the current state of mental health and mental stress level of your candidates / employees
- Extremely effective and efficient
- Very fast and simple
- Prevention of unwanted legal action
- Cost-efficient risk minimization
- Possible financial support from the European Social Fund (ESF)